Every year CAP organizes a number of seminars, conferences and briefings related to the current situation of the agricultural sector, not only at its headquarters in Lisbon, but throughout the country, in its delegations and associated entities. In addition, the Confederation promotes participation in initiatives such as:

Portugal It's Me
An action of the Ministry of the Economy that aims to boost and enhance the national supply through an active and identifiable brand of national production.

International Promotion
Participation in international fairs, in order to promote the marketing of national producers.

Young Farmers Competition
This initiative aims to raise awareness among the general public regarding the work of young farmers. The best project resulting from this selection process represents Portugal in Brussels and competes for the Best Young Farmer Award in Europe.

The Best of Portugal in Brussels
An event held annually in Brussels, aiming to promote what is the best of Portugal and the quality of excellence of national agri-food products.

Cultivate Your Future
A thematic university competition that seeks to promote innovation in various sectors and agricultural activities, contributing to the valorization of agriculture among young people who attend higher education.

Rediscovering the Land
This program aims to raise the awareness of young people, especially between the ages of 6 and 18, of the strategic importance of agriculture, the rural world, the environment and sustainable development, including the National Day of Agriculture in Schools.

Give and receive
A project that promotes the donation of products and equipment to Social Institutions and Non-Profit Organizations, simplifying the process and facilitating communication between those who want to donate and those in need, contributing to sustainable development.